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National Standard of Saccharicterpenin issued
Release dates: 2010/10/25 14:00:20¡¡¡¡ author: admin¡¡¡¡ Hits: 2609

As per the No. 6 Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards of P.R.China 2010, the National Standard ¡°Feed Additive Saccharicterpenin¡± (No. GB/T 25247-2010) has been issued on 26 September 2010 and will take effect on and after 1 March 2011.


The drafter of this national standard is Hangzhou Tangtian Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang University. The former is the one and only patent-authorized manufacturer of Saccharicterpenin feed additive.


This national standard sets criterion for the market of Sacharicterpenin feed additive and provides practicable quality determination procedure, making sure customers¡¯ interests well protected.